Animal Art

My church recently had a black tie dinner to raise funds for a children’s home in Myanmar. They had an auction as part of the evening and I donated a pet portrait voucher. The lovely Margie Charlesworth bought the voucher and asked me to paint her cat, ‘Miss Charlie’ .
I love art that tells a story. But what if that story is the love shining in your fur-baby’s eyes?
Is it really love?
Studies have shown that when a dog sees their owner, chemicals are released in their brain that are identical to the chemicals humans produce when they are in love. So that look of adoration on your dog’s face is not just them saying, ‘I want more biscuits, please’. He’s saying, ‘I love you.’
Having worked for many years as a veterinarian, I’m certain that this applies to other species too. The human-animal bond is strong. It’s that look, that sense of bond, that I try to capture when I paint pet portraits (assuming the photo I work from allows it). If that’s something you’d like to explore and you’d like a portrait of your favourite pet or a unique animal-focused gift for family and friends, I’m here to help.
- I only use high quality canvasses and professional quality acrylic paints.
- Cost? $300 AUD for a 40x50cm portrait of the head and shoulders of your pet, plus postage.
- If you’d like a bigger painting, the whole animal in the painting or maybe more than one animal to be pictured, I can do that for an extra fee.
- I need a detailed, original photo of your pet in good lighting if I’m going to capture a true likeness.
If you’d love to immortalise your fur-baby, click the button below and we can talk about the kind of painting you’d like to order.
“After our Jessica-Jane passed away Leon and I were devastated. I commissioned Susan to create a portrait of our fur baby so her memory would live on. Jessica-Jane had an adorable personality and was so beautiful from her happily wagging tail to her cute wee pink nose. Susan captured all Jessica-Jane’s features and characteristics perfectly. The colour match is brilliant, even that little pink nose. Thank you, Susan. We will always be grateful.”
Josephine Anne Griffiths, Sydney, Australia.
“Susan’s portrait of Pepper Masalah came on the day my new cat died. Not only was the painting a beautiful reminder of my previous companion, it became a healing comfort in my new grief.”
Dr. Rosanne Hawke, Kapunda, South Australia.
Nessie is named after the Loch Ness Monster, and like her namesake, she’s a fiesty little girl. She loves a cuddle and a belly scratch and each night she sits and watches television with her humans. But beware. This little darling becomes a seething mass of teeth if you dare go near her girl human’s toes.
Nicky captured the hearts of his whole family. When he passed away, his family held a funeral for him in their back yard. As they did this, an eagle landed beside them, stayed as if to pay his respects, then flew away when they were finished.
Tilly likes nothing better than playing with her girl human’s knitting. That and climbing the curtains, attacking the dog’s tail and purring loudly when she’s eating her dinner.
Jacob had to live away from his humans for a while when they moved into a caravan, but this painting went everywhere with them until they could bring him home.

Jackson had a very long and happy life and was very much loved by his humans. He was fifteen when this painting was commissioned.
Foxtrot is one of the cheetahs at Australia Zoo. He loves going for walks and is fascinated by elephants! I like elephants too, Foxtrot.