If you’d like me to help you with either a Manuscript Assessment or a Line & Copyedit please click the button below to contact me.
A Manuscript Assessment reviews the structure, content and style of your manuscript by considering the following important elements:
- character
- plot
- style
- pace
- scene structure
- point of view
- dialogue
- interior monologue
- use of language
- themes
- target audience
- overall consistency of the work
Every author finds it hard to step back and look objectively at the words they’ve written. How useful is it then to have a trained pair of eyes read your manuscript, think about it deeply and make suggestions about how your book can be made to shine?
The best time to do a manuscript assessment is after you’ve finished revising the first draft. The manuscript’s strengths can be identified and any issues can be highlighted before you send the manuscript for copyediting. This can save you a lot of time and money.
I offer Manuscript Assessments rather than structural editing because they are quicker and cheaper than a full structural edit yet still give you a wealth of information which can help you revise your book.
What happens when I ask for a Manuscript Assessment?
It’s a simple process. You contact me and I quote you depending on the length of your work. Then, if you are happy, we book a time slot for your manuscript in my schedule. You send me your work, I read and analyse it, then I send you a detailed written report highlighting what’s working well in your book and what needs work. This report becomes your guide to fine-tuning your book.
I don’t markup your manuscript, or make changes to your work. That comes later with copyediting or proofreading. Rather I give you advice on how to fix the things that stop your manuscript from being as awesome as it can be.
How much does a Manuscript Assessment cost?
I charge a flat fee for most Manuscript Assessments.
- For all manuscripts up to 30 000 words: $350 AUD
- For all manuscripts between 30 000 and 60 000 words: $500 AUD
- For all manuscripts between 60 000 and 80 000 words: $700 AUD.
- I can give you a quote for a longer manuscript too. Just drop me a note via my contact form.
If this is still too much for you to pay, I can do an assessment of the first 5000 words of your manuscript. I charge $180 for this service, including a 90 minute phone or skype call instead of a written report. This might be all you need to get started on the road to successfully self-editing your book!
Click here to read my terms and conditions.
Please note that I don’t edit horror, erotica or books with gratuitous sex and violence.
If you’d like me to help you with either a Manuscript Assessment or a Line & Copyedit please click the button below to contact me.