Mighty Mini-Mentoring

I provide mentoring for authors under my Mighty, Mini-Mentoring program.

I read and analyse a section of your manuscript plus some other material and give you advice that is specific to the needs of your book.

You’ve finished your manuscript and you’ve polished as best you can. You’d like to know:

  • Is your manuscript ready for publishing?
  • What areas of your writing are strong?
  • What areas of your manuscript need work and what can you do to fix them before you spend massive amounts of money on editing?
  • What type of editing does your manuscript need? Understanding this early on can decrease stress and save you both time and money.
  • What publishing path best suits you and your book?
  • What is your next step?

How does it work?

We book a mentoring slot and you send me three documents.

  • A  7,500 word section of your manuscripts
  • A synopsis of your book (maximum 500 words)
  • A list of your main characters and their key characteristics (about 500 words total)
  • A sentence or paragraph outlining your purpose for the book. What do you hope to achieve by publishing it? Do you want fame, fortune, or to change the world? Is the main purpose entertainment or are you writing to record a family history?

What you’ll recieve

  • A two to three page mentoring report that will help bring out the best in your book. This will detail the strengths of your work and help highlight ways your book can be improved. I love empowering people so my suggestions will be practical and encouraging rather than critical.
  • I will do a mini-edit of the first four pages (1000 words) of your manuscript. Sometimes all you need to be able to self-edit the rest of your book is to get a feel for the things editors look for.
  • A 60 minute private coaching session. After you’ve had a chance to read the mentoring report and mini-edit, we can meet via phone or Zoom and talk about any questions you may have and discuss the way forward for your book.

Why is Mighty Mini-Mentoring a great opportunity?

There are lots of different types of editing and they all cost different amounts. 

Your Mentor: Susan J Bruce

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Info Architecture

Donec porta mi non malesuada pulvinar. Etiam est velit, porta in lectus feugiat, congue condimentum dui. Nulla lorem augue, pellentesque a ipsum nec, blandit molestie erat. Morbi hendrerit, lectus at finibus accumsan. Nullam pharetra mollis ultricies. Sed id magna lobortis, facilisis ante nec, ultrices metus. Praesent leo risus, interdum id eros ac convallis.

Featured Info Architect Examples

Content STrategy

Donec porta mi non malesuada pulvinar. Etiam est velit, porta in lectus feugiat, congue condimentum dui. Nulla lorem augue, pellentesque a ipsum nec, blandit molestie erat. Morbi hendrerit, lectus at finibus accumsan. Nullam pharetra mollis ultricies. Sed id magna lobortis, facilisis ante nec, ultrices metus. Praesent leo risus, interdum id eros ac convallis.

Featured Content Strategy Examples

SEO Strategy

Donec porta mi non malesuada pulvinar. Etiam est velit, porta in lectus feugiat, congue condimentum dui. Nulla lorem augue, pellentesque a ipsum nec, blandit molestie erat. Morbi hendrerit, lectus at finibus accumsan. Nullam pharetra mollis ultricies. Sed id magna lobortis, facilisis ante nec, ultrices metus. Praesent leo risus, interdum id eros ac convallis.

Featured SEO Case Study

Creative CopyWriting

Donec porta mi non malesuada pulvinar. Etiam est velit, porta in lectus feugiat, congue condimentum dui. Nulla lorem augue, pellentesque a ipsum nec, blandit molestie erat. Morbi hendrerit, lectus at finibus accumsan. Nullam pharetra mollis ultricies. Sed id magna lobortis, facilisis ante nec, ultrices metus. Praesent leo risus, interdum id eros ac convallis.

Featured Creative Copywriting

Aliquam vehicula nunc facilisis tincidunt feugiat. Pellentesque sed viverra nisi. Fusce et laoreet augue. Quisque pretium, felis at volutpat rhoncus, ligula lectus semper urna"

Jhon Smith, CEO @ Labib Digital Studio

Duis tristique pretium nunc, eget imperdiet tortor auctor et. Mauris porttitor mollis metus at sollicitudin. Etiam id bibendum ipsum. Proin molestie, velit eget euismod rhoncus.

Jhon Smith, CEO @ Labib Digital Studio

Fusce in sapien sit amet lectus iaculis porttitor ac at magna. Proin at lectus tincidunt ante dapibus rhoncus. Maecenas eget ornare ipsum. Sed quis consequat lorem.

Thomson Polan, CEO @ Caramal Digital Studio

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Blog Articles

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SEO Strategy

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Information architecture

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Content Strategy

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Product Reviews

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Creative Copywriting

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